I had problems finding a recipe that I really liked until I saw this youtube video. The guy who posted the video was awesome. I probably watched the video about like 100 times. haha. I know its a little weird but I just thought it was good and I had to try it. when it actually came down to making the recipe I used the same measurements that he said. I'll post the video so everyone can enjoy it as much as I did!

All of the crepes I made turned out amazingly! My friends and parents loved them and so did I! If i could make them super fast i would before work, but sadly it takes a few try to get the perfect crepe! Don't worry if you burn a few or don't get them to flip. I had a few problems myself. I think it took me about 8 or 9 tries before I got them just right! I basically almost made my mom late for work because I wanted to make her one for lunch and I just couldn't get it. but I made her wait and she ended up really liking it and once I got the hang of it I was whipping them out left and right and I know that you guys can do the same! Sorry I didn't actually post the recipe. I think the video says it all! Oh and you should watch more of Chef Jon's videos! He's amazing!